
I am a Ph.D. student of physics at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS). I have been doing research in speckle tweezers (ST) for controlling of low and high refractive index micro-particles, measurement of depletion forces in colloids, and the various applications of optical trapping, speckle analysis and 3D microscopies.

My research interests focus on ST and their case studies, specifically polarization ST and non-diffraction ST. Also, my master's thesis is "investigation and controlling of the colloidal mixture''. The results of the ST research were published in Nanophotonics. My passion lies in advancing the field and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. With a focus on ST and applications, and my aim to explore new frontiers in optics and photonics. From the Brownian movements of inanimate matter to the swimming motility of bacteria, the world at the micron scale is extremely dynamic. We are interested in the origins, the consequences, and the applications of these motions. To study that, we build digital microscopes that integrate optical and computer hardware and where light can be used for imaging, manipulation, and fabrication of microsystems in 3-Dimensional.

Basic Information
raminjamali [AT] iasbs.ac.ir
raminjamali [AT] outlook.com
(+98) 24-3315-2181 (Lab)
(+98) 24-3315-2002 (Office)
Multi-dimensional Imaging and Detection Laboratory Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences PO Box 45195-1159, Zanjan, Iran

Room 002, Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences PO Box 45195-1159, Zanjan, Iran
English (Upper Intermediate),
Persian (Native),
Azeri (Native)
Research Interests

Speckle Tweezers

3D Imaging


Depletion Forces in Colloidal Systems

Optical Manipulation

2021 - Present
Ph.D. in Physics

Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS). Zanjan, Iran.
1st rank, GPA: 19.46/20.00
Thesis: "Polarization and non-diffracting speckle tweezers, and micro-particles trapping at fluid-fluid interfaces by speckle tweezers"
Suprevisor: Dr. Ali-Reza Moradi

2018 - 2021
M.Sc. in Optics

Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS). Zanjan, Iran.
1st rank, GPA: 18.33/20.00
Thesis: "Investigation and controlling of colloidal mixture by speckle tweezers"
Suprevisors: Dr. Ali-Reza Moradi and Dr. Jalal Sarabadani

2014 - 2018
B.Sc. in Physics

University of Zanjan. Zanjan, Iran.
1st rank, GPA: 17.87/20.00
Thesis: "Calculation of rotational inertia of gyroscope and measurement of force vector by precession"
Suprevisor: Dr. Ali Bayat

Experiences and Skills
3D Max
Work Experience and Activities

January 2018 - January 2023

Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistant of electronics laboratory, electronics, modern physics laboratory, optics and photonics I, and optics and photonics II courses during Master's and Ph.D.

April 2014 - March 2016

University of Zanjan
Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistant of electronics laboratory, electromagnetics, electronics, optics and laser, and physics II (electromagnetics) courses during Bachelor's.

May 2022 - Present

IASBS and FPOR (knowledge base company)
Researcher and Scientist

Worked as a researcher in these projects:

  • Metamaterial assisted illumination nanoscopy via random super-resolution speckles
  • Phase separation detection of binary mixture of by speckle pattern analysis
  • Design and manufacture of wireless endoscope

Talks and Attendances

Feb 2024

IASBS, Zanjan, Iran
Speckle tweezers at fluid-fluid interfaces

Optics Group Seminars, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran

May 2023

Yerevan, Armenia
Speckle tweezers

NanoQIQO School on Optics and Photonics (SOP) 2023

June 2021

IASBS, Zanjan, Iran
Investigation and controlling of colloidal mixture by speckle tweezers

Optics Group Seminars, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran

June 2017

University of Zanjan
Designing and construction of a LED sun-photometer

December 2016

University of Zanjan
Calculation of rotational inertia of gyroscope and measurement of force vector by precession
Publications - Journals:
Publications-Proceedings-International & National:
  • Dynamic speckle pattern analysis of pitting corrosion

    V. Abbasian, R. Jamali, V. Farzam Rad, A. R. Moradi, and A. Darafsheh

    Photonic Instrumentation Engineering XI 12893 (SPIE), 238- 241 , 11 March
  • Measurement of corrosion in power plant turbine rotors by digital holographic microscopy

    R. Jamali, B. Olamaei, M. Soltanloo, S. E. H. Yeganeh, V. Farzam Rad, J. Esmkhani, and A.R. Moradi

    Imaging Congress (OPTICA), hybrid , 14 - 17 August
  • Mesoporous material sorting in random energy landscapes

    M. H. Sadri, R. Jamali, F. Rehman, and A.R. Moradi

    11th International Symposium on Optics and its Applications OPTICS11, 89, July 2023
  • Mesoporous silica sorting by speckle tweezers

    M. H. Sadri, R. Jamali, F. Rehman, and A. R. Moradi

    Proc. 29th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 15th Iranian Conference on Engineering Photonic (ICOP23), February
  • Controlling spatial distribution of speckle fields for multi-manipulation of colloids

    E. Nasimdoust, R. Jamali, F. Amarloo, S. K. P. Velu, and A. R. Moradi

    Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIX, 21 - 24 August
  • Simultaneous manipulation of low and high refractive index micro-particles by speckle tweezers

    R. Jamali, F. Nazari, A. Ghaffari, S. K. P. Velu, and A. R. Moradi

    PSL Summer School on Soft and Living matter, July
  • Collective manipulation of low and high refractive index micro-particles by speckle tweezers

    R. Jamali, F. Nazari, A. Ghaffari, S. K. P. Velu, and A. R. Moradi

    Novel nanomaterials for innovative reaserch ICNNIR, April
  • Experimental study of liposome aggregation

    R. Jamali, and A. R. Moradi

    Proc. 26th Annual IASBS Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics, July
  • Investigating the time evolution of color distribution in a variety of surfaces

    R. JamaliT. Ohadi, and A. R. Moradi

    Proc. 26th Annual IASBS Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics, July
  • Building one channel sun-photometer using light emitting diode

    M. Karimi, R. Jamali, A. Bayat, Y. Abedini, Y. Ghaniun

    Proc. 26th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 12th Iranian Conference on Engineering Photonic (ICOP19), February
  • Time evolution of size distribution for oil droplets on water

    R. Jamali, and S.Mollaei

    Proc. 25th Annual IASBS Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics and School on Topological Phases of Matter, June
  • Calculation of rotational inertia of gyroscope and measurement of force vector by precession

    A. Bayat, R. Jamali, and S. Mollaei

    Proc. 17th Zanjan Education Research Journal, July
  • Investigation of self-assembly of aluminium flakes on water surface

    S. Mollaei, R. Jamali, and A. H. Daroneh

    Proc. 24th Annual IASBS Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics and School on Topological Phases of Matter, June
Videos from Researches
Trapping of polystyrene micro-particle (Optical tweezers)
Trapping and rotation of polystyrene micro-particles with engineering beam (Laguerre-Gaussian beam)
Time evolution of SKZA and SKZC bio-polymers after their contact with excess water (Hologram)
The recorded holograms of sedimenting micro-particles
Behavior of low and high refractive index particles in the speckle fields
Brownian motion of micro-particles in two areas with different average intensities (Intensity effects in speckle field)
Speckle field effect on the micro-particles in a quiescent fluid
Flow of micro-particles in speckle fields of different average intensities
Flow of micro-particles in speckle fields of different average intensities
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me


Multi-dimensional Imaging and Detection Laboratory Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, PO Box 45195-1159, Zanjan, Iran

Room 002, Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences PO Box 45195-1159, Zanjan, Iran


raminjamali [AT] iasbs.ac.ir

raminjamali [AT] outlook.com